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Trumpeter 1/35 Russia KV-1's Ehkranami This Russia KV-1's Ekrahanami comes with 236 parts. To solve the problem of the fear of inadequacy of armor protection on the already heavily armored KV-1 Model 1941, it was decided to bring the armor protection of the turret up to a thickness of 75mm.
Trumpeter 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank IS-3M
This Trumpeter kit of the Russian Heavy Tank IS-3M comes with decal marking for Soviet Army and Egyptian 4" Armored Division, Cairo 1967. It includes 246 total plastic parts and 5 sprues + hull + tracks. The IS-3M was a modernized IS-3. The parallel program for the IS-3M began in 1960 and included additional hull reinforcement, replacement of the DShK 12.7mm machine gun with the DShK, and more.
Bachmann 19113 HO Cylindrical Grain Hopper Canadian National
This is an HO Scale 4-Bay Cylindrical Grain Hopper Car from Bachmann with added weight for optimum tracking and non-magnetic, blackened-brass axles with needlepoint bearings.
Bachmann 19131 Cylindrical Grain Hopper Car #606902
This is an HO Scale 4-Bay Cylindrical Grain Hopper Car from Bachmann and features non-magnetic, blackened-brass axles with needlepoint bearings.
Bachmann 19133 HO Cylindrical Grain Hopper CN Demonstrator
Silver Series rolling stock which features body mounted couplers, blackened metal wheels and non-magnetic axles.
Bachmann 19134 HO Canadian Hopper
Canadian 4 bay cylindrical grain hopper includes blackened machined-metal wheels with RP25 contours. It is magnetically operated, body mounted E-Z Mate couplers.
Bachmann 19136 Cylindrical Grain Hopper - Government of Canada
This is an HO Scale 4-Bay Cylindrical Grain Hopper Car from Bachmann. It's a premium HO scale Silver Series Rolling Stock and blackened, machined-metal wheels with RP25 contours.
Bachmann 19138 HO Alberta-Edmonton Grain Hopper
Bachmann 19140 HO Saskatchewan Grain Hopper
These deluxe HO Scale freight cars feature metal wheels, anti-magnetic axles and EZ-Mate magnetic couplers.
Bachmann 17043 HO 40' Boxcar Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo
This is an HO-Scale 40' Box Car for the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railroad (TH&B) from Bachmann and features a Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo logo.
Bachmann 17529 HO Scale 56' SCF Center Flow Hopper
This is the HO Scale CP Rail (Canadian Pacific) 56' ACF Center-Flow Hopper from Bachmann. From Bachmann's Silver Series and features blackened metal wheels.